Thank you to Dr. Cowan for letting me share my story and our products on episode #52 of his amazing podcast! We had a great conversation about Essential Energy. The feedback has been amazing. I hope you enjoy the show!
WATCH: Dan Stachofsky is a guest on Conversations with Dr Tom Cowan and Friends
Updated: Jan 3, 2023
There may be something to this, because I don’t think that because of anything that Dan said, because he wasn’t really able to explain much about it and be coherent. So I’ll have to assume that his scientists know what they’re doing regarding this technology. Before I saw this video, I had questions and tried emailing Dan twice and got no response, and I had already bought his products. I'm still looking through all of the materials to find even just a vague idea of how this technology works. Like Dr. Cowan said, I'm not looking for trade secrets but just some indication of how it works so I know whether to believe in it.